Old Place

Blantyre's Ain Website

Blantyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland

High Blantyre

Old Place

Old Place A superior dwelling having a good garden attached, and approached from the Parish Road by a good private Road.A superior dwelling having a good garden attached, and approached from the Parish Road by a good private Road. It is built upon the site of the Old Mains of Blantyre Priory, a house which, from descriptions given of it, seems, in some measure to have been a fortified dwelling having a moat around it. The old house (Mains) was taken down and the present one erected, since which time the name “Old Place” has been added, from the old house being, at the time it was pulled down, a very old place or house. Mains is the original and proper name of the dwelling house at present standing, but it is always coupled with the modern addition “Old Place”. Neither name can be dispensed with from the other, the one being as much used as the other.

Lord Blantyre, by agreement made with the Feuar when the lands of “Mains” were feued, possessed the right of having a room in the house at certain periods to hold a Baron Court. A Right which may be said to exist in name only, as it is never asked or demanded.


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Blantyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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