The Pey Brig

Blantyre, Lanarkshire, ScotlandGlasgow Road North

The Pey Brig

Footpath Bridge from Livingstone’s to Bothwell.

Pey Brig

The bridge shown in this photo was referred to locally as the “Pey Brig,” as there was a toll paid to the brig toll keeper (Jake McBain). The bridge was built in 1852 by the Monteiths of Blantyre Works. It later changed hands and became the property of William Baird and Company, Coal masters, who leased the toll collection rights to the highest bidder.

At its peak, the brig toll was collecting between four and five thousand ha’penny tolls every week!

Footbridge The old “Pey Brig” was closed on 26th April 1949 to be replaced by a new bridge in October, 1952. This new bridge, the “David Livingstone Bridge” was somewhat shorter-lived than its predecessor only lasting 50 years before being demolished in May 1999 and the new one opening fully on 18th October 1999. The first person to walk over it was the late Blantyre historian, Neil Gordon, who also had the pleasure of opening it.

My Dad told the story of one foggy winter’s night, when he was crossing the Bridge, coming towards him was a very tall man in a Top Hat and Cape carrying a Cane. As they met in the middle of the Bridge, the tall man said, “It’s a fine night for a Murder!” My Dad reckoned he broke the four-minute mile on the way home.

Here is an aerial view of the new Livingstone Footbridge, built in 2002, in relation to Shuttle Row and the Blantyre Weir. Aerial Footbridge Weir


If you have any Photos… Send them to Bill

Blantyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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